Cyclone 'Jawad' formed in Bay of Bengal

  • This storm has come after the end of the southwest monsoon.

  • This storm will hit the coasts of Odisha and Andhra Pradesh on December 4.

How did Jawad get the name?

  • According to the process of naming storms, this storm has been named Jawad on the suggestion of Saudi Arabia. Jawad is an Arabic word which means liberal. In such a situation, it is being said that this storm is not going to be very dangerous. The impact of this cyclone is not going to affect the common life as much as compared to the cyclones that came in the past. However, there is a possibility that when the Jawad cyclone hits the surface, the wind speed during that time can be more than 100 kilometers per hour. In such a situation, the Meteorological Department has predicted heavy rains.

The beginning of naming of cyclones

  • The naming of cyclones i.e. storms was started in the Atlantic region with a treaty in 1953, while in the Indian Ocean region this system started in the year 2004. On the initiative of India, 8 countries of this region started naming storms. These included India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Maldives, Myanmar, Oman, and Thailand.

  • Then in the year 2018, countries like UAE, Iran, Qatar and Yemen also joined it.

  • The list of names given by the member countries on their behalf is alphabetically listed. As according to the alphabet, Bangladesh (Bangladesh), then India (India) and then Iran (Iran) and other countries are named, in the same order the names of stormy cyclones are named after the suggested name. Each time the number of different countries keeps coming in sequence and in this order the naming of cyclones is done.

Genome sequencing required for Omicron

  • The genetic material inside the cells in the body is called the genome.

  • Genome sequencing is done in a number of ways to understand the exact location of a gene within a cell and the distance between two genes, and the behavior and distance of its internal parts.

  • This tells about the changes taking place in the genome.

  • This change also tells how different it is from the old virus.

How long does it take to sequence the genome?

  • According to experts, it takes about a week to sequence a genome once. This is a time consuming process. Therefore, from a particular place where there is a lot of infection, around five percent of the sample is collected.

  • Due to genome sequencing, mental, physical diseases can be treated. For example, cancer, heart related diseases, diabetes, high blood pressure, neuromuscular disorders etc.

  • Apart from this, genome sequencing has also been done for the treatment of many infectious diseases. Like- Malaria, Dengue, HIV, Coronavirus, Ebola, SARS etc.

  • This gives an idea of ​​what type of disease a person has or may have. How can symptoms occur? What is the difference in diseases according to each country. Along with this, we can also find the exact treatment of the disease.

Summit for Democracy

  • This is a global meeting being organized by the US on December 9 and 10 to consider how to work together to stand up for democracy around the world.

  • The US has invited around 110 governments for this two-day digital 'Summit for Democracy'.

  • China and Russia have not received this invitation. Whereas Taiwan has been invited to this meeting.

Greater Tipperland

  • Greater Tipraland is a region of Tripura. Many tribals are demanding to make this region a separate state.

  • There are 19 notified scheduled tribes in Tripura. Of these, 5.92 lakh are Tripuri, 1.88 lakh are Reang. These three tribal groups are the major tribals of the state. Some small tribal groups have joined hands and formed the political parties Tirpaha Indigenous Regional Alliance and IPFT (Indigenous People's Front of Tripura). These parties are now arguing that they want a separate state for their "existence".

constitutional validity

  • They claim that they are demanding under Article 2 and Article 3 of the Constitution. Article 2 of the Constitution states that "Parliament shall permit the establishment of new States and Union Territories and shall also permit the entry of new States and Union Territories into the Indian Union". Article 3 says that "Parliament shall increase or decrease the area of ​​any State".

  • Tripura was ruled by the Manikya dynasty from the end of the 13th century until the signing of the Instrument of Accession with the Government of India in 1949. The Instrument of Accession is the document signed by the Indian states to accede to the Union of India after independence. Over time, some indigenous tribes of the region have become a minority in the state. This was mainly due to the displacement of Bengalis from East Pakistan during the 1971 war. In 1881 the tribal population in the state was 63.77%. That number dropped to 31.8% in 2011.

Indian Navy Day

  • Every year Indian Navy Day is celebrated on 4th December. This year Indian Navy Day is being celebrated on the following theme: Combat Ready, Credible and Cohesive

  • The theme sends a message that India is monitoring Chinese activities in the Indian Ocean region and the Indian Navy is ready to face the Chinese military at any time.

  • Indian Navy Day is celebrated every year to commemorate Operation Trident. The operation was launched by the Indian Navy during the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971 to attack Karachi Harbour.

Operation Trident

  • Operation Trident was launched on the night of 4 December. During this attack, the Indian Navy destroyed fuel storage tankers at the Pakistan Naval Headquarters in Karachi. Indian Navy sank 4 of the Pakistani boats and 500 Pakistani Navy personnel were killed in it.

  • India deployed anti-ship missiles for the first time during the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971. Operation Python was performed after Operation Trident.

Operation python

  • After the first attack during Operation Trident, the Pakistani Navy, along with merchant ships, attempted to defeat the Indian Navy. Operation Python was launched to counter this move by the Pakistani Navy.

History of Indian Navy Day

  • Earlier during British rule, Indian Navy Day was celebrated along with Royal Navy's Trafalgar Day in the month of October. Trafalgar Day falls on October 21.

Indian Navy

  • The President of India is the supreme commander of the Indian Navy. A four-star Admiral is appointed as the Chief of the Indian Navy and commands the Navy. The Indian Navy was established in 1612 to protect British merchant ships.

Why was Operation Trident launched?

  • On the evening of December 3, 1971, Pakistan attacked Indian Air Force bases. In response to the attack, the Indian Defense Force launched Operation Trident. Three high speed missile boats were sent to Karachi port.