Statue Of Equality

The statue of Saint Ramanujacharya in Hyderabad is going to be inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, which has been named 'Statue of Equality'. This statue of Ramanuja, the great philosopher and social reformer of the 11th century, is 216 feet. This statue has been built in 'Chinna Jeeyar Swamy Ashram' located in Muchintal, Ranga Reddy district of Karnataka. This program is being organized on the 1000th birth anniversary of Saint Ramanujacharya, born in 1017 AD.

This idol is made from 'Panchlauha' (gold, silver, copper, brass and zinc). It will have a place in the world's tallest statues made of metals. The 54 feet high 'Bhadra Vedi' has been made its base. There is also a Vedic Digital Library and Research Center inside it. In this, there will be documents related to the life of Ramanujacharya from ancient Sanatan texts. Come, today we tell you who was the saint Ramanujacharya who gave a new direction to the Bhakti period and how was his life.

Sant Ramanujacharya had a life span of 120 years. He renounced his body in 1137 AD. His name is taken among the prominent saints of Vaishnava society. At the age of 16, he had made scholar Yadav Prakash his guru in Kanchi. However, he did not agree with his guru's principles of 'Advaita Vedanta'. He decided to follow in the footsteps of the saints Nathamuni and Yamunacharya of the 'Alvar' tradition of Tamil. He is considered the father of 'Vishisht Advaita' theory.

Ramanujacharya campaigned against caste discrimination and worked hard throughout his life to empower women. At a time when the Islamic invaders were desperate to spread their feet in India, they further strengthened the religious sentiments of the people of India. He spoke publicly about the mantras of 'Mukti and Moksha' among all sections of the people. He said that these things should not be kept secret, people of all classes should get the benefit of it.

Babasaheb Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar himself has written that Sant Ramanujacharya did important work in the direction of equality in Hinduism and also tried to implement them. It was also mentioned by Prime Minister Narendra Modi while releasing the postage stamp on his 1000th birth anniversary. He considered the non-Brahmin Kanchipurna as his guru. He was distraught to see his wife purifying the house after his meal. After taking retirement, he made public service his goal.

Dr Ambedkar writes, “After a debate with a Dalit woman in Tiruvalli, he told the said woman that you are more knowledgeable than me. After this, Saint Ramanujacharya initiated the said woman and made her idol and installed it in the temple. He made a person from backward society named Dhanurdas his disciple. After bathing in the river, he used to come back through this disciple. Now the statue of Ramanujacharya, who gave the message of equality, will inspire the whole world to realize his principles.

Ramanujacharya linked the tradition of the Vedas with devotion. His name is taken prominently after Jagadguru Shankaracharya. By connecting the backward society with the Bhakti movement, he built its bridge with the elite Vedic movement. He was born in 'Perbudhooram', located some distance from Madras. His father's name was Asuridev Dixit and mother's name was Kantimati. His maternal uncle Shailpurna was a sanyasi and mother's maternal grandfather Yamunacharya was a great saint.

At the age of 8, along with the Janeu ceremony, the work of teaching them the Vedas was started. In his childhood, everyone was impressed by his intelligence and memory. At the age of 16, he was married to a girl named Rakshamba. He was initiated into the Vaishnava sect. Before his death at Srirangam, Yamunacharya had left three messages for Ramanujacharya - compose a commentary on the Vedanta sutras, compile a collection of hymns of the Alvars and popularize it as the 'Pancham Veda' and name a scholar after Muni Parashara. Do.

He then returned to Kanchi and prepared a collection of 4000 hymns composed by the Alvars in the Dravidian language. He got a place on the vacant seat of Yamunacharya. The entire responsibility of managing the temple of Lord Ranganatha fell on his shoulders, which he handled well. He used to spend the entire income of the temple for the temple itself and used to live his life by alms. He had got some secret mantras on the condition that he would not tell anyone, but in a meeting he made these mantras public for the public.

He said that when heaven is attained by this mantra, then everyone should listen to it. For this he agreed to be punished by the saints. He composed 'Sri Bhashya' on the Vedanta sutras and named the son of one of his disciples, Quresh, as Parashara. Describing Bhakti as a means of liberation, he preferred it over knowledge. He traveled to India and armed with many scholars. By the time he returned to Srirangam, he had innumerable disciples in many parts of India.

He wrote a commentary on Shrimad Bhagavad Gita. In 'Vedanta Saar' he explained his principles to the common people in simple language. He considered God as virtuous and also said that there is no demerit in him. He called God superior even to the best. He said that only the one who knows the flawless, pure, best, pure and one form Brahman is called the true Gnani.

He refuted many theories of Shankaracharya and gave his own principles. This has been happening in the Sanatan tradition.

Ramanujacharya composed Sribhashya with the help of a disciple who had memorized his Bodhyanvritti. His contribution is also considered behind the worship of Shri Ram in North India. Sant Ramanand was born in the 14th generation of his own disciple tradition, whose disciple was Kabir. Ramanuja belonged to the Tamil Brahmin community. He was a priest for years at the Varadaraja Perumal Temple in Kancheepuram. He remained the pillar of Vaishnav society throughout his life. Due to jealousy and his growing influence, there were several attempts to kill him.

On the occasion of 1000th birth anniversary celebration of Ramanujacharya, the function will be organized from February 2. It has been named 'Ramanuja millennium ceremony'. Two idols of Ramanujacharya will be unveiled on the occasion. The 216 feet high idol is made of gold, silver, copper, brass and zinc. While the second idol will be installed in the sanctum sanctorum of the temple. Which is made of 120 kg gold in memory of the 120 years of Ramanujacharya's journey.

Source : Op India

International Space Station (ISS)

The International Space Station (ISS) means a lot to space travelers. It can also be called the second home of scientists in space. But very soon his life is going to end. The US space agency NASA is preparing to crash it from Earth. After retiring at the end of 2030, it will be dropped in the Pacific Ocean in January 2031.

What is International Space Station?

  • The ISS is a space lab as big as a football field in space.

  • The ISS is a space lab as big as a football field in space.

  • The ISS is a space lab the size of a football field, which revolves around the Earth at an altitude of 420 km. Its weight is 450 tons. It was launched in November 1998. The projects include the US, Russia, Japan, Canada, the UK, Switzerland, Sweden, Spain, Norway, the Netherlands, Italy, Germany, France, Denmark and Belgium. Brazil withdrew from the program in 2007.

  • The ISS has all the facilities for astronauts. 6 to 8 people can stay here for 6 months. Large spacecraft flying from Earth are landed on it. So far, more than 200 astronauts from 19 countries have visited the ISS.

Why is the retirement of ISS happening?

  • Last year, scientists noticed small cracks in the ISS.

  • Last year, scientists noticed small cracks in the ISS.

  • In September last year, scientists noticed small cracks in the ISS. After this it was said that this lab is now a guest of only a few years. There are some disadvantages in this, which are very difficult to repair.

  • The ISS was built to work for 15 years anyway. But in the investigation of NASA, it was found that the lab can work for some more time. NASA says that before crashing the ISS, all its material will be transferred to the rest of the labs on Earth or in space. The work will cost $1.3 billion.

Where will the ISS be crashed?

  • The ISS will be crashed at Point Nemo in the South Pacific Ocean.

  • The ISS will be crashed at Point Nemo in the South Pacific Ocean.

  • According to NASA, the ISS will be crashed in the area of ​​the South Pacific Ocean. The name of this place is Point Nemo. It is about 2,700 km from the ground. This place has been selected to dispose of old space stations, satellites and other waste of special space globally.

  • There is a ban on the movement of any ship around Point Nemo. There is no place for humans to live here. Since 1971, about 300 types of space waste have been dumped here. This includes mostly American and Russian waste. By doing this, humans are increasing the problem of pollution here.

  • NASA will share experience with the private sector

  • Phil McAllister, director of commercial space at NASA Headquarters, says that whatever the agency has learned from the ISS over the years will be shared with private sector space companies. The private sector will be supported to build a safe, reliable and affordable space station.

Source: Dainik Bhaskar

India tests Rafale for INS Vikrant

The maritime version of the Rafale fighter jet was recently test-fired aboard INS Vikrant. The test from the aircraft carrier was successful.

The test was conducted to check the take-off of the Rafale jet from the aircraft carrier. This test was successful. The INS Vikrant aircraft carrier uses catapult launches. And this aircraft performed well at launch.

What is a Catapult Launch?

A catapult is a device that enables an aircraft to take off from a small space. This is a kind of assisted take off.

How does Catapult Launch work?

The catapult accelerates the aircraft from 0 to 165 knots in just 2 to 3 seconds. In this system high pressure steam is collected in the accumulators. This steam is obtained from nuclear reactors. After the desired steam pressure is reached, the valves of the accumulators are closed and the catapult is ready to operate.

What is STOBAR?

Apart from catapult launch, STOBAR (Short Take-off But Arrested Recovery) is a well known launch system. It is mainly used in Russia and China. Since India is highly dependent on Russia for its defense systems earlier, STOBARs are common in India as well. It has a long ramp from which the plane takes off.

'One Nation One Ration Card' scheme

The maritime version of the Rafale fighter jet was recently test-fired aboard INS Vikrant. The test from the aircraft carrier was successful.

The test was conducted to check the take-off of the Rafale jet from the aircraft carrier. This test was successful. The INS Vikrant aircraft carrier uses catapult launches. And this aircraft performed well at launch.

What is a Catapult Launch?

A catapult is a device that enables an aircraft to take off from a small space. This is a kind of assisted take off.

How does Catapult Launch work?

The catapult accelerates the aircraft from 0 to 165 knots in just 2 to 3 seconds. In this system high pressure steam is collected in the accumulators. This steam is obtained from nuclear reactors. After the desired steam pressure is reached, the valves of the accumulators are closed and the catapult is ready to operate.

What is STOBAR?

Apart from catapult launch, STOBAR (Short Take-off But Arrested Recovery) is a well known launch system. It is mainly used in Russia and China. Since India is highly dependent on Russia for its defense systems earlier, STOBARs are common in India as well. It has a long ramp from which the plane takes off.