Kundalpur : Panch Kalyanak Maha Mahotsav

Panch Kalyanak Maha Mahotsav will be held from 12 to 22 February in Kundalpur, the Siddha Jain pilgrimage area of ​​Damoh. For the first time this Maha Mahotsav will run for 11 days. Usually it is only 5 to 6 days.

In the Maha Mahotsav, Jain devotees will become many characters including 24 Indra-Indrani, 24 Kuber, 24 God's parents, Mahayagya hero.


According to Jain texts, there are five main events which take place in the life of all the Tirthankaras. These five kalyanaks are –

Garbh Kalyanak: When the soul of the Tirthankar Lord comes in the mother's womb.

Janam Kalyanak: When a Tirthankara child is born.

Deeksha Kalyanak: When Tirthankars leave everything and go to the forest and take initiation.

Keval Gyan Kalyanak: When a Tirthankara attains Kaivalya.

Moksha Kalyanak: When the Lord attains nirvana/moksha by renouncing the body, that is, destroying all karma.

Garbh Kalyanak

Kubera receives three and a half crore gems every day from six months before God's birth to 15 months till his birth. It is the auspicious result of the deeds earned before God.

Dikkumari goddesses take care of the mother and perform the pregnancy. This too is virtuous yoga.

At the time of conception, the mother sees 16 beautiful dreams. Trishala, the mother of Tirthankara Mahavir, had 16 auspicious dreams, the result of which was told by King Siddhartha as follows:

birth welfare

When the soul, who is a god, is born in the world, the bells start ringing in the heavens and the heavens themselves, and the seats of the Indras vibrate. This is information about the event that the earthly incarnation of the Lord has taken place. All Indra and Devas come to earth to celebrate the birth anniversary of God.

The birth of the child and the celebration of the birth are still prevalent in every household, but the consecration of the Lord on Mount Sumeru is said to be a different type of event. In the case of a Tirthankara, such a glorious consecration is the result of the merits acquired in his previous births, but the anointing of every human born is bound to happen. The deities may not come, but bathing (abhishek) is necessary for the health of the child born in the home or hospital and to remove the filth of pregnancy. Since Tirthankaras are endowed with special powers, their birth anniversary with 1008 kalashas brought from Kshirsagar on Sumeru mountain in the Panduk forest may sometimes seem unrealistic. There may be a sense of emotion in it and to glorify one's worship, but it is not beyond the limits of the sacraments. Looking at the hospital routine of an immediate delivery child, it would not seem imaginary.

Expressing happiness by the gods is a natural process. We see all the people celebrating the birth of a son, distributing sweets. Then, a Tirthankar is an effort-oriented soul.

The Acharyas who created this cosmic form of Panch Kalyanak should not make any mistake in understanding it, so that Acharya Yativrishabh, who happened 2000 years ago, wrote the saga of Tiloypannatti no. It is clarified in 8/595 that 'In the womb and birth, the bodies of the gods go to the north. Their original bodies remain comfortably situated in the places of birth.'

This story is very important because Devadis do not participate in worldly affairs, but they appear from their north body to pay respect to the soul of Tirthankaratva and to express their joy. If such a talented person is born then it is real and logical to celebrate happiness everywhere. It is not necessary that common citizens have seen the deities at the time of the birth of Tirthankaras. Divinity is a designation which is directly related to emotion.

Panch Kalyanak Pratishtha Mahotsav

The five Kalyanaks are celebrated as Panch Kalyanak Pratishtha Mahotsav.

The events shown in Panch Kalyanak Pratishtha Mahotsav are not fictional but symbolic. No matter how powerful our eyes may be, but they cannot see in the Rishabh period by crossing the layers of Kaal.

Many metaphors are told in the Pancha Kalyan Mahotsav, such as the dramatic scenes of the womb, 16 dreams, the birth anniversary of the Tirthankara, the consecration on the Sumeru mountain, the cradle of the Tirthankara child, the child play of the Tirthankara child, renunciation, initiation rites, the diet of the Tirthankara Mahamuni, Keval Sanskar of knowledge, communion, hum of divine sound, salvation, making God's parents in theatrical costume, making Saudharma Indra, making Yagya hero, making wealthy Kuber etc. It is as if someone is a character in the play. But be aware, they are not the characters of the play. This is a way of remembering the past lives of the Tirthankaras and the important events that took place during their lifetime. There is a way to spread those events to the masses in an interesting way. Our main vision should be on the evolution of the soul of that great human being who turns into a Tirthankaratva.

In the Jainagams, five famous events-opportunities are mentioned in the lifetime of each Tirthankara- those occasions are extremely beneficial to the world. Therefore, remembering them, Darshan awakens the feelings and can turn them in the right direction. In fact, such events happen in the life of every person, but the ordinary person goes through activities like pregnancy and birth and child sports (before penance welfare), coronation (getting worldly success in life) etc. does not result in The reason for this is due to the deeds born in the past, but due to not being able to spiritualize its sanskars and associations, dispassion does not result. Jainism is sentiment-oriented. The philosophy and history of Jainism has been created by connecting the feelings in the links. If we keep emotions aside, we will not be able to understand the fabric of Jainism. Panch Kalyanak Festival is a part of this fabric.

The events that made man a superman, made him a god- people do not forget him, they are repeated again and again in front of them so that they always remember that the soul has to pass through many stages to become divine. . No soul can become a God unless it is detached from the world, it does not do penance, only knowledge does not arise, until then it does not have the right to become God.

Earlier there were no written records - which would have become a support for remembering old events. At first, the thought-generated speech of man and showing some scenes was the way of remembering the events. Despite being the bondage of Tirthankara nature, the soul of Tirthankar has to adopt the path of renunciation and penance. This process should be repeated again and again in front of the worldly being so that, he can successfully understand the basic principles of Jain philosophy.

Right No. 13/Saga No. It is written in 93 – which means as follows – The one who attains five great welfare from these five places (Kalas) namely Jindev, Garbhavatar Kaal, Janam Kaal, Nishkramana Kaal, Keval Gyan Utpatti Kaal and Nirvana Time, is worshiped by Surendra Indra, who is full of great power.

Panch Kalyanak Pratishtha Mahotsav is the most important Naimittik festival of Jain society. It is a festival of the process of changing from soul to divine. In order to convey the message of the life of mythical men from door to door, these festivals depict the journey of a capable life by relying on the characters. Let us try to understand it a little in detail.

First of all, the place will be purified with water by chanting mantras. This water will be brought to the purification site in a roundabout way.

Garbh Kalyanak is shown as:

After purification, Ghatasthapana will be done at the appropriate place. After that the Jain flag will be hoisted. Jain Flag - The victory flag of Jain philosophy, knowledge and character. It is not a victory flag for the Tirthankaras – not a victory flag for any king or nation. This is the flag of victory for the people of salvation who follow the contemplation-contemplation, renunciation-penance and the ultimate truth. It is necessary to accept this sentiment. This flag waving in Digdigant is a symbol of that message which is refined by the contemplation and conduct of Tirthankars- Acharyas, Munis. The only aspiration of hoisting the flag is that the voice of Jainism, which gives fearlessness to all beings, reverberates in the three worlds. Only those who have full faith in Jain lifestyle have the right to hoist this flag. The Jain flag has five colors - red, yellow, white, green and blue respectively. According to Pandit Nathulalji Shastri, these colors are also considered to be indicative of Panchanuvrat of householders. With the hoisting of this flag, the Panchkalyanak Pratishtha Mahotsav begins.

Discussion of Sanskars with Garbh Kalyanak is very important in Panch Kalyanak. The whole auspicious and inauspicious attitude of a person's life is subject to his sanskars, some of which he brings with him from the previous Bhava and some in this Bhava, due to the influence of association and education etc. That is why the law has been told to produce pure sanskar in the child even before he comes into the womb. From conception to Nirvana till the time of nirvana, there is a law of 53 actions including Jinendra worship and mantra legislation - by which the child's sanskars are progressively purified and one day he becomes a part of Nirvana - 'Jinendravarni' Panchastikaya, Siddhivinishchay, Moolachar, Dhavala, Mahapuran etc. A lot has been written on the sacraments in the scriptures.

With the auspicious coincidence of Panchkalyanak, if we think more deeply about the sanskars, then our view of advanced life will become more logical.

We must keep in mind two things that the basic basis of the instructions given by the lady doctor to the mothers in the family is hidden in these rituals. Texts based on worship mantras etc. were created, their basis was different social conditions, but the purity of feelings should start from pregnancy itself. It is interesting that we are paying attention to this matter of the doctor, but do not even want to read the words of the teachers. Even if you do not listen to the words of the Acharyas, but once you read them, it is right. Now most of the Jain community is well educated and can read texts. Hindi versions are also available. Sanskar is such a ray of light that always stays with man. It is absolutely necessary to keep him attached to you. Sanskar is not a bondage, it is a psychological cure. A harmful thing happened that when Jain society came into contact with Vedic traditions, Vedic orthodoxy entered our sanskars as well. Today the time has come for us to screen it and adopt whatever is good.

Tapa Kalyanak / Diksha Kalyanak

All the works till now remain the same in more or less form in human beings, but without becoming any reason for the estrangement of the world, the path of liberation is not paved. This is also possible only when the sanskars of human beings have the capacity to take the contemplation in the right direction. In the midst of the karma yogi life of the Lord, which includes worldly work, state management, family management, etc., one day he notices (according to the life character of Lord Chandraprabhu) 'I have lost such a long period of age only in worldliness. Till now I have enjoyed the wealth of the world, but now I have to enjoy the spiritual wealth. This form of the world, the wealth is transient, unstable, but the form of the soul is supernatural, the wealth of the soul is infinitely inexhaustible. I will now awaken the effort of this.'

Thus when Chandraprabhu was awakening his soul, Lokantika Dev came and praised the Lord and appreciated his thoughts. Just see that there is someone right here who is saying the idea of ​​self-promotion. Acharyas called him Lokantik Dev and we can also call him like this, a virtuous scholar gave a motivational speech to Chandraprabhu Maharaj. It is absolutely possible – it cannot be called imaginary. Even today, the recognition of the inspirations and management gurus is and will remain so.

Chandraprabhu was the king - he handed over the kingdom to his son Varachandra and sitting in the palanquin, which was picked up by the big people, went to the Sarvaturka forest. There he adopted Jainendra Diksha by taking the rule of fasting for two days. He did the hairstyle and became engrossed in the Digambara posture. After two days, he came to a city named Nalin for food. There Somdatta king gave him food with devotion. This process of renunciation is natural. Even today, there is a long tradition of social workers sacrificing everything. Why did he give up?

There can be different reasons for this, but it happens.

After this the penance of Chandraprabhu Muni begins. It also took three months for a high soul like Chandraprabhu Muni to eradicate all the evil deeds. Being careful in Panchmahavrata, Panchasamiti, Panchodriya Nigraha, Dasdharma etc., he started engaging in fighting with the enemies of Karma. In the end, he became absorbed in the Diksha forest by taking the rule of Bela under the serpent tree and gradually succeeded in destroying the seductive karma with the help of Shukla meditation. Then at the end of the twelfth gunasthan, under the influence of second shukla meditation, the remaining three ghatiya karmas were also destroyed. With this, they became a coincidence. His soul became endowed with eternal vision, infinite knowledge, infinite happiness, infinite semen. He got the achievement of five achievements. Now he has become omniscient – ​​omniscient. The Indras and the Devas worshiped only the knowledge of the Lord. He composed the Samavasaran and in it the first divine sound of the Lord sounded. Lord, while roaming all over the country, reached the summit of Sammed and got mounted there along with 1000 sages by wearing Pratima Yoga for a month. This is the supreme state of the body before attainment of salvation. This is the best expression of tapas. There is a very beautiful description of it in Padma Purana, Harivansh Purana and Mahapuran. Its summary is as follows- 'The temple of God is celebrated with great pomp. Kimchhak is donated to the petitioners. Devas create thousands of golden lotuses under the feet of the Lord. And God does not touch them and walks in the sky only. The wheel of Dharma goes on and on. The drums are ringing. The earth becomes devoid of history. Indra continues to cheer with the kings back and forth. The wheel of Dharma continues. Beautiful sports places are made on the way. The path is adorned with Ashtamangal substances. Bhamandal, Chhatra, Chanwar automatically go together. The sages walk back and forth. Indra becomes Pratihara. Many funds go hand in hand. Opponents forget the antithesis. Blind and deaf also start seeing and hearing. Seeing this scene, the crowd can get emotional. It gives the message of being the birth leader of God.