Solar Proton Events

The Chandrayaan-2 Large Area Soft X-ray Spectrometer (CLASS) payload of the Chandrayaan-2 orbiter recently detected solar proton events.

Solar proton events significantly increase the radiation exposure to humans in space.

The class payload (CLASS payload) also recorded a coronal mass ejection (CME) on January 18, 2022.

Such multi-point observations help astronomers understand the spread and its impact on different planetary systems.

What is Coronal Mass Ejection (CME)?

A coronal mass ejection is a powerful stream of ionized material and magnetic fields, which reaches Earth a few days later. This gave rise to geomagnetic storms and illuminated the polar sky with aurorae.

When do solar flares occur?

When the Sun is active, eruptions occur which are called solar flares. Such events sometimes push energetic particles out into interplanetary space, which are called solar proton events. Most of these flares are high energy protons, which affect space systems and significantly increase radiation exposure to humans in space. Solar proton events cause massive ionization in Earth's central atmosphere.

Classification of Solar Flares

Solar flares are classified according to their strength. The smallest are the A-classes, followed by B, C, M and X. Each letter represents a 10-fold increase in energy output. Thus, the M-class flare is 10 times more intense than the C-class flare while 100 times more intense than the B-class flare. Within each class, there is a finer scale ranging from 1 to 9.

Chandrayaan-2's class payload measures X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectra of the Moon to check for the presence of key elements such as aluminium, magnesium, calcium, silicon, iron, titanium and sodium.

Health Star Rating

Consumers will soon know whether their food packaging is harmful or healthy and nutritious. According to the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI), packaged food items will soon display 'Health Star' as part of the new system.

The system will be similar to the one being used by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency to assess energy efficiency in electrical equipment.

Packaged foods will display several stars indicating whether the packaged food item is healthy or unhealthy.

The amount of fat, sugar and salt in the food will be used to determine the rating.

A study was conducted by IIM Ahmedabad regarding the methodology used to display the health ratings of food items.

The star rating performance was recommended in this study because it would be easier for the customer to understand.

Why did FSSAI take this decision?

The study revealed that energy-rich foods are easily available in the country which is leading to non-communicable diseases and obesity in India, which is why FSSAI has advised consumers to consider the nutritional profile of the food they are consuming. began to look for ways to educate about

FSSAI (Food Safety and Standards Authority of India)

FSSAI was set up as a statutory body under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. FSSAI was formed under the Food Safety and Standards Act of 2006, which is an act related to food regulation and safety in the country. FSSAI is mandated to promote and protect public health in the country by effectively regulating food security. Its headquarter is located in New Delhi and its chairman is Rajesh Bhushan. The CEO of this organization is Arun Singhal.

Draft EU Data Act

The European Commission has published its draft Data Act.

The European Commission has set out a slew of new rules for data sharing.

It is part of the EU's strategy to make the bloc a leader in a data-agile economy.

Objective of the proposed law

This proposed law aims to make data sharing and easy access and to set a standard at the EU level. It asks manufacturers to allow owners of connected devices to see what data they are collecting. It also wants to give companies and consumers more control over what can be done with their data. It clarifies who can access the data and on what conditions. The new rules also mean that government bodies and public bodies will be able to request access to privately held data for legal obligations or public emergencies, but not for day-to-day law enforcement activities.

Will it spur European innovation?

The new law could have a big impact on Europe's data economy and offer innovation. It will offer opportunities and challenges. It depends on the company's business model as well as its ability to adapt and prepare for when challenges or opportunities prevail.

Provisions of the Data Act

Under this, products and services should be designed to allow easy access by users.

Data access will be provided free of cost and in real-time, without any delay.

The Data Holder shall provide comprehensive information on the data generated while using the Services or the Product.

P-8A Poseidon aircraft

Aircraft manufacturer Boeing has handed over the 12th P-8I Long-range Maritime Patrol Aircraft to the Indian Navy. This is the fourth aircraft under the optional contract signed by the Defense Ministry for the supply of four additional aircraft in 2016.

It is a long-range maritime patrol and anti-submarine warfare aircraft.

It is a variant of the P-8A Poseidon aircraft developed by The Boeing Company as a replacement for the US Navy's older P-3 fleet.

P-8I aircraft 907 km. Can detect threats with a maximum speed of up to an hourly speed and an operating range of over 1,200 nautical miles and neutralize these threats before they reach Indian shores, if required.

In 2009, the Indian Navy became the first international customer for the P-8I aircraft.

The Navy had purchased eight P-8Is in 2009 in a deal worth US$2.2 billion. These aircraft are part of 312A Naval Air Squadron based at Arakkonam, Tamil Nadu.

In 2016, the Navy used the optional clause for four more P-8Is in a deal worth over US$1 billion.

In addition, in May 2021, the US State Department approved the possible sale of six additional P-8I aircraft and related equipment to India.

Six P-8Is with encrypted communication systems will be deployed as India has signed the Basic Agreement on Communications Compatibility and Security Agreement (COMCASA) with the US.

India-US Defense Relations:

This proposed sale helps strengthen the US-India strategic relationship.

For America, India remains an important force in the direction of political stability, peace and economic progress in the Indo-Pacific and South Asian region.

Defense procurement from the United States is an integral part of the growing relationship between the two countries.

India-US defense trade, which was almost zero in 2008, has risen to around US$ 20 billion in 2020, helping in major policy upgrades between the two countries.

In the year 2016, the US designated India as a "Major Defense Partner". In the year 2018, the US under Strategic Trade Authority-1 (STA-1) granted India access to defense technology on par with NATO allies and Australia, Japan and South Korea.

Communications Compatibility and Security Agreement (COMCASA):

The Communications Compatibility and Security Agreement (COMCASA) is a legal framework for the transfer of communications security equipment between the US and India to facilitate "interoperability or interoperability" between their militaries, and possibly with other militaries to protect data link security. based system.

It is one of four fundamental agreements that signify high-capacity technology and militarily interoperability to US allies and close partner countries.

It is an India-specific version of the Security Memorandum of Understanding on Communications and Information (CISMOA).

Military Information Agreement of General Security (GSOMIA)

It allows armies to share intelligence gathered by them.

It was signed by India in the year 2002.

Logistics Exchange Memorandum of Agreement (LEMOA) was signed by India in the year 2016.

It allows both countries to access each other's designated military facilities for refueling and replenishment.

Memorandum of Understanding on Communications and Information Security (CISMOA): The COMCASA Agreement is the India-specific version of the CISMOA on Communications and Information. It was signed by India in the year 2018.

Basic Exchange and Cooperation Agreement (BECA): BECA will allow India and US troops to share geospatial information and satellite data with each other. BECA was signed by India in the year 2020.