12 Rajya Sabha MPs suspended

  • In a suspended action, the Rajya Sabha has suspended 12 MPs of the Upper House for the entire session. This includes members of Shiv Sena along with Congress, CPM, CPI, Trinamool.

  • The Rajya Sabha sent a notice informing that on the last day of the monsoon session, 12 MPs from various parties not only created a ruckus but also deliberately tried to indulge in violence against the security personnel. Thereafter the members were suspended for the remainder of the session as per Rule 256.

What is ? Rule 256

  • The biggest suspension in the Lok Sabha in parliamentary history happened in 1989. The MPs were creating a ruckus when the Thakkar Commission report on the assassination of former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi was tabled in Parliament. The Speaker had suspended 63 MPs. Along with the suspended members, other 04 MPs also walked out of the house.

  • Rule 256 under which Rajya Sabha MPs were suspended

  • The Chairman may, if he thinks it necessary, suspend a member who requires the authority of the Chair or who repeatedly and willfully abuses the rules of the Rajya Sabha by obstructing the business of the Rajya Sabha.

  • The Chairman can suspend a member from the service of Rajya Sabha for such period until the end of the session or it may remain in force for a few days after the session.

  • As soon as the suspension is done, the Rajya Sabha member will have to leave the house immediately.

  • There is also suspension under Rule 255 in Rajya Sabha, if the Chairman feels that the behavior of a member is grossly disorderly, then he can direct him to leave the Rajya Sabha. The suspension under this rule will be applicable for that day only. In that the member will have to stay out of the house.

  • Suspension can also be withdrawn in the Rajya Sabha, but this too will be at the will of the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha. It can be withdrawn even after the suspended members apologize. By the way, a motion against suspension can also be brought in the house. If it is passed, the suspension will automatically be lifted.

suspension in Lok Sabha

  • In the Lok Sabha, the speaker gets this right through rules 373 and 374. According to Rule No-373 of Lok Sabha, if the Speaker of the Lok Sabha feels that any MP is continuously trying to obstruct the proceedings of the House, then he can throw him out of the House for that day, or for the rest of the session. Can also suspend.

  • In Rule 374, if the Speaker feels that a member is repeatedly obstructing the proceedings of the House, then he can be suspended for the rest of the session.

Some famous cases of suspension of MPs

  • January, 2019 - Speaker Sumitra Mahajan suspends 45 MPs from TDP and AIADMK together

  • February, 2014 - Debate was going on in the house whether to give separate statehood to Telangana or not. Meanwhile, 18 MPs who created ruckus were suspended by Speaker Meira Kumar.

  • March, 1989 - Rajiv Gandhi was the Prime Minister at that time. 63 MPs were suspended from Lok Sabha for three days for indiscipline.

Double astride redirection test

  • American space agency NASA has sent a satellite into space through a rocket, whose purpose is to divert the path of an asteroid. This is a test, which is being done as a preparation for the future.

  • Under this test, a satellite called 'Double Asteroid Redirection Test' (DART or DART) has been sent into space.

  • It was sent from Vandenberg Space Force Base in California via SpaceX company's Falcon 9 rocket. Dart's goal is to change the path of this asteroid called Dimorphus. Dimorphus is about 525 feet wide and revolves around a large asteroid called Didymas, which is 2,500 miles wide. Dart's collision with Dimorphus could happen sometime next year. At the time of this collision, both of them will be 11 million kilometers away from the Earth.

  • Dimorphs are not currently a threat to Earth, but they are near-Earth asteroids and comets, which can come as far as 30 million miles from our planet.

  • These types of asteroids can destroy entire cities or areas, because their power is more than many nuclear bombs.

  • The length of the asteroid hitting the dart is around 169 meters. By the end of 2022, the Dart spacecraft will be ready to autonomously navigate and hit that asteroid. At that time, this asteroid will be at a distance of about 7 million miles from Earth. Scientists are grappling with a challenge in space other than Asteroid. Not long ago, Russia tested a missile, which destroyed a satellite.

  • With this missile, Russia destroyed a satellite of its own. However, due to this explosion, the debris of the satellite spread into space and the International Space Station was also in danger. Experts say that this debris will remain a threat to activities in space for many years to come. This debris, known as space junk, is the pieces of spacecraft and satellites that are left in Earth's orbit after being used.

Heron Drone

  • The Indian Army has got the advanced Heron drone made in Israel. This will make it easier for the army to keep an eye on the inaccessible areas of the Ladakh sector. Especially the actions of the Chinese army will no longer be hidden.

  • The Heron drone is developed by the UAV division of Israel Aerospace Industries. They are capable of flying for 52 hours at an altitude of 35 thousand feet. It is also being continuously upgraded. The Super Heron was introduced at the Singapore Air Show in February 2014. It has a 200 horsepower diesel engine.

  • Even from an altitude of 30,000 feet, it can continue to provide feedback to the commanders on the ground, so that the movement of troops can be done accordingly.

  • China has recently deployed the most dangerous bomber planes on the border with India. These aircraft are equipped with CJ-20 long range missiles, which also has Delhi in its JD. On November 11, on the 72nd anniversary of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) Air Force, China Central Television also released footage of these H-6K bombers planes flying over the Himalayas.

Caribbean island Barbados becomes new republic

  • The Caribbean island of Barbados has become a new republic. It will be counted among the 54 Commonwealth countries, but now it will no longer be ruled by the Queen of Britain.

  • Mia Amor Motley has now been elected Prime Minister, replacing Sandra Mason, who was Governor General of Britain's Royal Family from 2018 until now.

  • The country will have its own national flag and national anthem.

  • The population of Barbados is about 2 lakh 85 thousand.

  • There was slavery here for about 200 years. Before Barbados, Guyana (1970) and Trinidad and Tobago (1976) were freed from British slavery. Two years later, in 1978, Dominica also became a republic. Huh.

25th Navy Chief Admiral R. Hari Kumar

  • Admiral R. Hari Kumar took over as the 25th Navy Chief of the Indian Navy.

  • Admiral Kumar was the Commander-in-Chief of the Western Naval Command before taking over the reins of the Navy. Born on 12 April 1962, Admiral Kumar joined the Indian Navy on 1 January 1983. During his long and distinguished service of nearly 38 years, Admiral Kumar has served in various commands and staff.

  • These include Coast Guard Ship C-01, commanded by Indian Navy ships like Nishank, Kora, Ranvir and Aircraft Carrier INS Viraat.